Tuesday, October 21, 2014

New Ending To "The Lady or the Tiger"

     Every heart stopped beating, every breath was held, every eye was fixed immovably upon that man. Without the slightest hesitation, he went to the door on the right, and opened it. I shouldn't have done it. I shouldn't have tricked him. Why must I have been so selfish. I had known what would happen to him if anyone found out and yet I did it anyway. I can still imagine the gleaming girl in that dark cage waiting inside for her prince charming to swoop her away, off her feet. Yet when I look back at it, a silent tear rolls down my face, remembering the cold hard fact of what I had done and what went with it.

*Flash Back*

     I watch with horror as he finally pulls the door open and the beast springs out. I cant stop the tears that flow down my face as he is brutally killed in front of me and the whole crowd. Blood, that's all I could see when I here a mournful cry as they take away the tiger and reveal the beautiful maiden as she is running towards my lover. Tears streaming down her face thinking of what could have been.

*Flash Back Over*

     Back then we were both heart broken. Back then I wasn't thinking. She was able to move on and find her true prince charming. While I was still mourning. I never moved on. I sometimes ask my self if it was worth it. The question I ask my self every day, of every hour however, is why. Why could I have done something that horrible to any person at that, that only deserved the best out of life. That question I will never be able to find the answer, but I probably never will. 

*The End* 

1 comment:

  1. I liked how you did the flash backs to explain what was happening. Nice Ending!
