Thursday, October 23, 2014

Weekly Blog 10/20/14 Speak

Draw 4 objects that represent your 
reading. Write a sentence for each, 
telling what each item says about 
what you’ve been reading.

  1. A Dead Tree
 In the book, for Melinda's art project she must draw, sculpt and "become" a tree, a living tree but the only thing she comes close to is a dead rotting tree. I think this represents what I'm reading because Melinda is a shy quite girl that in reality always hangs out by herself. She in very depressed and always takes darkly about eveyone. She is always thinking the worst. Its only close to the ending that she is allowing her self to become more open and friendly. Its also how she thinks about her life, with all the traumatizing things that have happened to her, she doesn't see herself alive. 
  2. A High School
 This represents what I'm reading because the whole book is basically in side of her high school and all the problems that he faces inside of it and even when she is outside. This helps me visualize what she was seeing and I couldn't imagine being ignored and hated like she was. This also represents the reading because the book describes most of her fears and guilt inside the school where its like she is imprisoned and she cannot escape. 
  3. A Rusted Bicycle 
 I think that this represents  how sometimes she can work just fine like a bike, but sometimes when it gets rained on and forms rust, your not able to pedal as easy as it could of been before so I imagine Melinda is just like that. I can imagine this because sometimes she has her ups and downs like when she was struggling to tell someone of the traumatizing event that happened during the summer.I also think that this represents my reading because the book makes you feel bad for her, like I have personally never gone through as much as she has gone through but it makes you think how would you react if you, or I was in that situation?
 4. The main character from Wonder
I think that they both go through something difficult, August going through the tough time with his health and facial problems just like Melinda is going through her tough time with being hated and ignored (Its worse then how it sounds). They can relate and it helps represent what I'm reading because readers that have read Wonder will know what the difficulties that he goes though. 


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