The most challenging part of second quarter would be time management. I've always had a struggle with that and until this quarter decided to change that. It's been a struggle for me at least, since I'm usually that person who stays up late into the night doing their homework. I've mostly been doing my homework for Mrs. Larson's class, and also all my other classes as soon as I get home from school. I think over all I'm doing better at managing my time, at least than I used to. One example would be my aows (articles of the week) as I start most of them on Tuesday or Wednesday and then finish and submit on Thursday evening.
Something I've accomplished since the new year that I'm proud of would be my vocabulary tests. I've mainly been receiving all 100's which I'm very proud of. Achieving these scores of course isn't easy, how ever with the help of Quizlet studying its ten times easier, for me at least. My vocabulary tests have also helped increase my actual vocabulary. For example one of the words that I had just learned Coalesce which means to unite, or to form as a whole.
I think the biggest improvement I've made in English Language Arts would be my writing. Especially with the narrative essay we wrote and our latest essay which was To Kill A Mockingbird Thematic Literary Analysis. Both pieces of writing have made me think a lot about for example, "What to write about in this specific category," or, "How to put what I'm thinking into sentences." The revisions and editing took a long time and required a lot of focus, but I believe its improved my writing than anything else. After all, the more you practice, the better.